Four Ounce Supplements With Dropper Caps Are Coming!

Four Ounce Supplements With Dropper Caps Are Coming!
Four Ounce Norm's Farms Supplements With Dropper Caps Are Coming Soon!

A couple of months ago we sent out a survey to our newsletter subscribers to get their feedback on our Black Elderberry Supplements and the bottles we use.  The feedback on the quality and effectiveness of our Black Elderberry Supplements was overwhelmingly positive.  It feels so great to know that Norm’s Farms Supplements are making a positive difference in the health of those who use them!  Some folks let us know that the bottles can be a bit frustrating to use.  It takes practice to be able to pour the contents without making a bit of a mess, practice we understand all too well!  We asked if a welcome option might be a 4-ounce version with a dropper cap and enough people replied with interest that we’ve begun making them and they will be available for order soon.

When you order a 4-ounce version of Norm’s Farms Supplements you will receive a sealed bottle with a separate dropper cap that can be used to both dispense the product in a controlled and mess free way and serve as the bottle’s closure for storage in the fridge.   And, while the glass dropper cap doesn’t reach all the way to the bottom of our 8-ounce bottles-unfortunately no one makes glass dropper caps for 8-ounce bottles- they can be used to dispense most of an 8-ounce bottle and serve as a great closure for them too.

The 4-ounce versions of our Supplements will be available on our website within a couple of weeks, and available on Amazon in 6 to 8 weeks as well.  Stay tuned for more info!

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